• Camelia Malkami

    ICE Announces Nonimmigrant International Students Must Learn In Person or Leave U.S.

    By Caroline Kubzansky

    An announcement Monday said that international students would need to leave the country if their coursework was exclusively online, and that arriving students whose fall course loads are fully remote will be unable to enter the country.


    July 8, 2023


    University Releases Details for Hybrid Fall Quarter Plan

    By Brad Subramaniam

    President Zimmer and Provost Lee announced new plans for autumn quarter, including details about in-person and remote classes, changes to housing and dining, and COVID-19 testing and contact tracing.


    June 30, 2023

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    By Oren Oppenheim and 可伍按小时购买的加速器

    In an email to University instructors, top administrators wrote that no instructor will be required to teach in person in the fall. The email also included some plans to return to resume some in-person teaching, including contact tracing.


    June 27, 2023

    Taylor, Hairston, and Lightfoot Introduce Woodlawn Housing Ordinance to Prevent Resident Displacement

    By Aviva Waldman

    Wednesday’s proposal came after months of back and forth between Taylor, whose draft legislation was supported by community organizers from the CBA Coalition, and Lightfoot, who introduced her own proposal in February of this year.


    August 3, 2023


    Miles Burton

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    By Miles Burton

    Campus organizers criticized the removal, saying “we have never heard anyone call for this,” and demanding reparations from the University.


    July 9, 2023


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    By Dimitriy Leksanov

    The discussion focused on changes of visa status, travel between the United States, Canada, and Mexico, and the suspension of visa services at U.S. embassies and consulates.


    July 6, 2023

    Camelia Malkami

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    By Kate Mabus




    July 19, 2023

    Oren Oppenheim

    Registrar Adds Note About COVID-19 and Impact on Student Performance to College Transcripts

    By Oren Oppenheim

    The note comes in the context of a spring quarter held entirely remotely, which caused unprecedented challenges for many students.


    June 24, 2023

    • Low-Income Students Left Scattered by Coronavirus
    • Remote Learning Reveals Inequities in Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

    Jeremy Lindenfeld

    Recent Black Lives Matter Protests Could Be a Watershed Event, History Department Panelists Say

    By Kate Mabus

    In a panel hosted by the history department, titled 1968 to 2023: History Town Hall on Race, Protests, and Policing, professors pointed out that today’s protests seem unprecedented in scale and influence.


    June 17, 2023

    Matthew Lee

    Many UChicago Students Nationwide Take to the Streets in Response to Death of George Floyd

    By 可伍按小时购买的加速器 and Pranathi Posa

    The Maroon spoke with students involved in protests across the country, many recounting altercations with law enforcement.


    June 11, 2023

    Defne Anlas

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    By Laura Gersony, Pranathi Posa, and 可伍按小时购买的加速器

    The Maroon spoke to Experimental Station (E.S.), a South Side nonprofit that operates the 61st Street Farmers Market and Blackstone Bicycle Works, and Brave Space Alliance (BSA), the first Black-led and trans-led LGBTQ+ center on the South Side.



    Laura Gersony


    By 可伍按小时购买的加速器

    Several Black panelists described negative personal experiences with UCPD, calling on the University to address its “uncomfortable” relationship with the South Side.


    June 8, 2023


    Adrián Mandeville

    GSU Plans Teach-In for Final Day of Class

    By Avi Waldman

    Graduate students will withhold work to protest the lack of administrative response to their demands.


    June 3, 2023

    Lee Harris

    Students Demand Black Peers’ “Right to Grieve,” Optional Finals During Nationwide Upheaval

    By Laura Gersony

    Organizers say that the mental health toll which current events are taking on Black students is limiting their ability to focus on academics.


    June 2, 2023


    Camelia Malkami

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    By Kate Mabus and 可伍单天购买的加速器

    Grey City looked back at this year’s campus climate survey and how UChicago stacks up to peer institutions nationwide.



    June 2, 2023

    In #Strike4BlackLives March and Meetings, STEM Departments and Students Call for Change

    By Peyton Jefferson

    The Astronomy and Astrophysics Department’s March Was a Part of the Day’s Broader #Strike4BlackLives and #ShutDownSTEM Movements Led by the Particles for Justice Organization.


    June 25, 2023

    University Sends off the Class of 2023 in First-Ever Remote Convocation Weekend

    By Yiwen Lu and Jingwen Zhang

    The event, which included speeches by administrators and students, was held remotely because an in-person Convocation Weekend was impossible in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.


    June 21, 2023

    Student Organizers Sit in at UCPD Headquarters

    By Avi Waldman and 哪些加速器按小时算的

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    June 17, 2023

    University Begins Revealing Plans for Possible Fall Quarter Return to Campus

    By Brad Subramaniam

    The current plans for a possible reopening would include significantly reducing course instruction and research capacity, including the number of students allowed in each classroom, while maintaining remote options for both.




    Third-Year Takes Lead in Organizing Massive Protests for Police Accountability

    By Caroline Kubzansky



    June 11, 2023

    UChicago to Direct $6.2 Million in CARES Act Funds to Students as Emergency Financial Aid

    By Miles Burton

    The University will use “use institutional funds, as opposed to CARES Act funds, to support undocumented and other students who may not meet existing federal eligibility requirements,” according to a University spokesperson.


    June 9, 2023


    Hyde Park Businesses Clean Up and Hunker Down Following Weekend Damage

    By Caroline Kubzansky

    Some businesses on 53rd and 55th Streets had windows smashed and merchandise stolen on Saturday night and closed early on Sunday to prevent more thefts and damage.



    Ezra Klein Discusses American Polarization, Biden’s VP, at IOP talk

    By Joshua O'Neil

    Ezra Klein, co-founder and editor of Vox, and David Axelrod also discussed Klein's new book, Why We're Polarized.


    June 12, 2023

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    By Brad Subramaniam

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    June 2, 2023


    UChicago for Fair Tuition Ends Tuition Strike as SSA Student Joins Class Action Lawsuit Against UChicago and Other Universities

    By Aviva Waldman

    In a statement provided to The Maroon, UCFT said that its demand for a tuition freeze had been met, and that the campaign had succeeded in shifting the conversation around the cost of higher education.


    May 26, 2023

    President Zimmer Undergoes Surgery for Brain Tumor

    By 可伍按小时购买的加速器

    Provost Ka Yee Lee informed University members about the procedure in an email.


    June 8, 2023

    Admissions Office Gets TikTok

    By Olivia Chilkoti

    As of May 25, the UChicago Admissions account has 15 videos, with 474 followers, and 1,496 likes.


    May 26, 2023

    Graduation Issue: Celebrating Seniors

    By The Maroon Staff

    Friends and families honor members of the graduating class with senior ads.


    May 23, 2023

    有没有哪款加速器是按时间或者单天收费的【绝地求生吧 ...:2021-8-9 · 有没有哪款加速器是按..比较忙,偶尔一两天玩不成电脑。玩的话也就是两三个小时。感觉包月不划算啊,有没有按时间收费 ...

    By Kate Mabus

    As the center of campus, the quad is the site of much of the quintessential UChicago experience.


    May 19, 2023

    University Announces In-Person Graduation for Class of 2023 in 2021, in Addition to Virtual Graduation

    By Yiwen Lu

    On June 5, 2021, a full graduation ceremony for the Class of 2023 will be held.


    May 13, 2023

    Engage Slate Wins SG Executive Slate Election, Beating Independence Slate by Just 16 Votes

    By Darcy Kuang

    The Engage Slate comprises President Raven Rainey, Vice President of Student Life Myles Hudson, and Vice President of Administration Alex Levi.


    May 5, 2023


    Tenants United Organizes #CancelRentRally at TLC and Mac Properties Offices

    By Yiwen Lu

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    May 4, 2023

    UChicago for Fair Tuition Holds Demonstration in Front of President Zimmer’s Home

    By Aviva Waldman

    UCFT was joined by other student organizations for the demonstration to call for the halving of tuition for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic.


    April 27, 2023


    Online TAing Presents New Challenges

    By Jingwen Zhang

    For some TAs, virtual classrooms have not resulted in a drastic difference in responsibilities. In others, they do face difficulties under the online format.


    April 25, 2023

    UChicago Working Paper Finds Relationship Between News Source and COVID-19

    By Nick Tarr

    UChicago researchers found a relationship between news outlet viewership and coronavirus deaths, comparing viewers of two Fox News programs.




    The Maroon's free classifieds page for Hyde Park and its surrounding neighborhoods.


    UChicago's History with Slavery is Still Present

    By The Reparations at UChicago Working Group, The Bronzeville Historical Society, and 定价 - 月轮网游加速器【官方网站】:2021-6-15 · 月轮网游加速器为网游用户解决延迟、掉线、卡机等问题,让你游戏更爽快!支持绝地求生,逃离塔科夫,使命召唤,H1Z1,CSGO,GTA5等数千款热门游戏的加速,帮助玩家降低游戏延迟,解决卡机掉线,享受更完美的战斗体验。


    July 29, 2023

    COLUMN: COVID-19 and the Case for Prison Abolition

    Meera Santhanam

    LETTER: UChicago Library Workers Stand With #CareNotCops

    Library Activist Network at UChicago

    COLUMN: The University’s Housing Announcement Was Too Little, Too Late

    Brinda Rao




    UCMC Patient Tests Negative for COVID-19; Hong Kong Study Abroad Relocated | Newsletter for March 4

    Matthew Lee

    New Solar Telescope; UoC Students Discuss Cultural Centers | Newsletter for February 24


    New Wellness Center Ahead of Schedule; Veteran Undergrads Share Their Story | Newsletter for February 20


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    Matthew Lee



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